

About us

Tailored Luxe Journeys

Creating an one-and-only experience, just for you.

We are here to bring to life the dreamlike journeys that you imagine in the depths of your hearts, allowing you to savor life freely. In the past, we have exclusively curated travel experiences for the valued clients of our parent company, PrivateBANK, enriching lives with vibrant hues through shared adventures. Moving forward, under the new brand ‘Luxurex,’ we aspire to craft delightful journeys that resonate with the aspirations of a broader audience.

Our online plans serve as mere glimpses; the real magic happens when we tailor a fully customized journey based on your budget, schedule, and travel desires. Whether it involves unconventional schedules that traditional airlines or trains cannot accommodate, or a combination of helicopters, cruisers, private jets, and dedicated chauffeurs, we make bold, exhilarating, and stress-free travel a reality.

Initiate the journey by reaching out to us, sharing your travel vision with our dedicated concierge. We hope this encounter becomes a catalyst for inspiration and tranquility in your work and daily life. Let us embark on this extraordinary journey together, where every detail is meticulously crafted to match the unique dreams residing in your heart.

Shinya Sonoda

Shinya Sonoda

Discovering Unseen Japan

Explore undiscovered charms across Japan.


Travel to

A plan for your one-and-only journey.

Now, embark on your own special journey.

A special journey exclusive to the wealthy elite, an experience only you can enjoy.

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