
Privacy Policy

On The Protection of Personal Information

ConciergeBANK Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of protecting the personal information of its customers. In addition to complying with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”), the Company will handle and protect personal information appropriately in accordance with the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”).

1.Details of the Company

2.Definition of Personal Information

3.Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will use your personal information for the following purposes.

4.limitation of use of personal information

We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without the prior consent of the customer, except as permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations.

5.Proper Acquisition of Personal Information, etc.

We will acquire personal information in an appropriate and lawful manner to the extent necessary for our business. We will endeavor to delete or dispose of any unnecessary personal information in accordance with the terms and conditions of use. Identification documents submitted by customers will not be returned.

6.Security Control of Personal Information

We will implement appropriate security control measures to prevent the loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of customers’ personal information. In addition, we educate all executives and employees who handle customers’ personal information on the importance of protecting personal information, and when we outsource customers’ personal information, we supervise the outsourcing company appropriately. The main contents of the safety control measures are as follows.

7.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties, etc.

When providing a customer’s personal information to a third party, we shall obtain the prior consent of the customer, except in cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations. However, this shall not apply in the following cases.

8.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties located outside of Japan

9.Disclosure of Purpose of Use of Personal Information, etc.

10.Handling of Sensitive Personal Information

When acquiring sensitive personal information of a customer, we shall obtain the prior consent of the customer, except in cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.

11.Use of Cookies

12.Use of Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc. in order to understand usage conditions and to improve and enhance site content. Google Analytics uses cookies and other technologies to collect access information, but this information is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you. Please refer to the following Google website for the terms of use and privacy policy of Google Analytics.

13.Revisions to this Privacy Policy

We will review the operation of our handling of your personal information from time to time and strive for continuous improvement, and may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary. The revised Privacy Policy will be made public on the Company’s website, etc.

14.Contact for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information

For requests for disclosure, opinions, questions, complaints, and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following;

Date of enactment: November 23th, 2023