
Travel conditions

Terms and Conditions for Overseas Custom-Ordered Tour

1.Significance of these Travel Conditions

This trip is planned and implemented by ConciergeBANK CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), and the customer participating in this trip shall conclude a contract for an order-made tour (hereinafter referred to as “tour contract”) with the Company. This document, together with the attached “Planning Document” and the attached “Explanatory Document for Terms and Conditions of Custom-Ordered Type Specialized Tours and Contract Document (for overseas use)”, will be treated as the Explanatory Document for Terms and Conditions delivered to the customer in accordance with Article 12–4 of the Travel Agency Act, and if a tour contract is concluded, as part of the Contract Document in accordance with Article 12–5 of the same law and Article 9–1 of our General Travel Conditions for Custom-Ordered Type Specialized Tour Contract. The contents of the tour contract which the customer intends to conclude shall be as described in these documents.

2.Contract for an order-made tour

“Customized Tour Contract” means a tour contract for which the Company prepares a tour plan at the request of the customers, specifying the destination and itinerary of the tour, the details of transportation or accommodation services available to customers, and the amount of the travel fare payable to the Company, and which is implemented accordingly.

3.Application for a tour contract

4.Refusal to conclude a travel contract

Any one of the following is a case upon which we reserve the right to decline the execution.

5.Time of conclusion of travel contract

6.Delivery of contract documents

7.Determinate Document

8.Time of payment of tour fee and change of tour fee.

9.Alternation of Contract Content

10.Change of Customer

11.Customer’s Right to Cancel the Contract

12.Our Right to Cancel the Contract

13.Responsibility of Our Company

14.Special Indemnities

15.Guarantee of Itinerary

Alterations Requiring Payment of Indemnity
Percentage per Case (%) Prior to the start of the Tour After the start of the Tour
ⅰ. Alterations to the starting or final days of the Tour described in the Contract Document 1.5 3.0
ⅱ. Alterations to sightseeing locations or facilities (including restaurants) to be entered and other destinations of the Tour described in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
ⅲ. Alterations to a lower class or facilities of transportation facilities as described in the Contract Document (limited to cases where the total cost for altering the class and facilities falls below the total amount specified in the Contract Document) 1.0 2.0
ⅳ. Alterations in the type of transportation facilities or the names of companies as specified in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
ⅴ. Alterations to a flight to a different airport within Japan from the airport at which the trip starts or ends as specified in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
ⅵ. Alterations of flight from a direct flight to a connecting flight or a via flight between Japan and another country as specified in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
ⅶ. Alterations of the type or name of accommodation facilities as specified in the Contract Document (except in cases where the Company has specified the grade of accommodation, and the grade of the accommodation after the change exceeds that specified in the contract document) 1.0 2.0
ⅷ. Alterations to the conditions of guest rooms of accommodation facilites as specified in the Contract Document, such as the type of fuest rooms, equipment, scenery, and other room conditions 1.0 2.0
Note 1. “Prior to the Start of the Tour” shall refer to cases where the customer has been notified of the relevant alteration, no later than the day prior to the starting day of the tour, and “After the Start of the Tour” shall refer to cases where the customer has been notified of the relevant alteration on or after the starting day of the tour.Note 2. When the Determinate Document has been delivered, this Schedule shall be applied after the “Contract Document” is read as the “Determinate Document” instead. In such a case, if any alterations take place between the described contents of the Contract Document and the described contents of the Determinate Document, or between the described content of Determinate Document and the contents of the service actually offered, respective alterations shall be treated as a single case.Note 3. In cases where transport facilities related to the alterations described in ⅲ or ⅳ above involve the use of accommodation facilities, each overnight stay shall be treated as a single case.Note 4. Alterations in the names of the companies operating transport facilities under ⅳ above will not be applicable in cases where such alterations involve changes to a higher class or more sophisticated facilities.Note 5. Even if the alterations described in ⅳ, ⅶ or ⅷ above take place in multiple cases during one trip on a transport vehicle, or one overnight stay, each trip or overnight stay shall be treated as a single case respectively.

16.Responsibility of the Customer

17.Passport or/and Visa

It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that his/her current passport is valid for this trip and to obtain a passport and visa prior to the departure of the trip.

18.Hygiene Information

For information on the hygiene conditions at your destination, please visit the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Quarantine and Infectious Disease Information website.

19.Overseas Travel Safety Information

Depending on your destination, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan may issue travel advisories for the country or region you are visiting, such as “Overseas Travel Safety Information”. Please check the following for details.

20.Visiting souvenir stores

For your convenience, we may take you to souvenir stores during sightseeing and transportation. Although we make every effort to select the best souvenir stores, please be aware that you are responsible for your own purchases. We will not be able to assist with exchanges, returns, or duty-free refunds. To avoid any problems, please be sure to check the merchandise, receive receipts, and complete the necessary procedures for duty-free refunds.

21.Accident and Other Reports

In the event of an accident or other incident during the tour, please notify us immediately at the contact point to be provided in the Determinate Document. (If there are circumstances which prevent such notification, please notify us as soon as the circumstances have ceased to exist.)

22.Travel Insurance

If you are injured while traveling, you may incur significant medical and transportation expenses. In addition, you may be required to pay compensation for damages or compensation in an amount that is difficult to recover from the offender. We recommend that you purchase a sufficient amount of overseas travel insurance to prepare for such cases. We offer overseas travel insurance by Tokio Marine & Nichido. Please feel free to contact us for more details.

23.Handling of Personal Information

24.Compliance with the General Terms and Conditions

25.Main Text, Applicable Law, and Agreed Jurisdictional Court

These travel conditions are based on the standards of September 2023.

(Updated: )